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Transplantation of foreign MODBUS RTU STM32F103 co
Application background STM32 and touch screen communication can be downloaded directly compile vinylon, communication. 9600 baud rate test can be used directly. Need to increase the function to add their own.Function codeFixed meaningFuck (binary)0x01Read switch outputRead the output state data for a road or a plurality of switches0x02Read switch inputTo read the input data of a road or a plurality of switches0x03Read save registerRead data from one or more save registers0x04Read input register dataRead data from one or more registers.0x05 Strong single coilThe on-off state of a logic  0x06Write single path registerWrite a set of binary data into a single register0x10Write multiple registersWrites a plurality of binary data to a plurality of registers0X0FWrite switch outputWrite more than one switchControl of the relay "hop / min" output Key Technology This code in the keil4.7 compiler environment to compile. Directly download the use o
MODBUS RTU 51 and vinylon touch screen communicati
Application background 51 communication and vinylon touch screen. MODBUS RTU 51 and vinylon touch screen communication routines. Supported by the functional code: 01 (read), 05 (write), word: 03 (read), 06 (write) with digital tube display data input! Also detailed notes. Personally feel better portability. The microcontroller can be modified to change, Key Technology 51 MCU and weinview touch screen that through communicationThis procedure is only as a communication sample program, the actual use need to modify according to need.Please use the above EB8000 V3.45 software open touch screen program, the program for the compressed touch screen program, please using EB8000 software tools - compression / decompression menu tools to decompress; microcontroller using keil Uvision3 v3.50 compileOne, hardware connection    89S52 ATMEl.Two, software1, communication environmentThe touch screen is set to the main station, that is, the MODBUS type
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