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Open source CRM system
The main functions of CRM system are as follows: 1. Basic file & nbsp; customer basic information input, including company name, contact person, telephone number, mobile phone, etc.; 2. Contact person & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; multiple contacts of a customer, as well as the basic contact information of the contact person; 3. Documentary Management & nbsp; employee's multiple business follow-up records of customers, and appointment for next follow-up; 4. Order management & nbsp; Records of orders placed by customers. An order includes multiple products. 5. Product Management & nbsp; product database for ordering. 6. Contract management & nbsp; contract records of cooperative customers, which can be associated with orders and call order parameters. 7. Contract renewal & nbsp; when the contract contains validity period, the processing of renewal is required. 8. After sales management & nbsp; After sales treatment of product quality and other problems of cooperated customers 9. Expense management & nbsp; expenses and income generated during customer maintenance 10. Attachment Management & nbsp; uploading and downloading of documents such as data or contract scanning copy provided by customers 11. Operation log & nbsp; make background records for detailed operation records of each customer 12. Advanced query & nbsp; Fuzzy search with multiple conditions and exact range search
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