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codes (8)
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Application background StrStr Implement ()Total; Accepted:    58831  Submissions:  Total; Submissions 263818MySolution  Question StrStr Implement ().The index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack or, -1 if needle is not part of haystack. ReturnsUpdate (2014-11-02):The signature of the function had been updated to return the  index  instead of the pointer. if you still see your function signature returns a  char *  or  string. Please click the reload button  & nbsp; to reset your code definition. Key Technology Mainly using C++. The specific ideas of the algorithm are in the code, and very detailed. The code has passed the test of leetcode. Special attention should be paid to the treatment of some boundary value. Boundary values can cause a lot of exceptions.
Palindrome Number
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Application background Number PalindromeTotal; Accepted:    66388  Submissions:  Total; Submissions 233792MySolution  Question Whether an integer is a palindrome. Do this without extra space. Determine Key Technology Mainly using C++. The specific ideas of the algorithm are in the code, and very detailed. The code has passed the test of leetcode. Special attention should be paid to the treatment of some boundary value. Boundary values can cause a lot of exceptions.
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Application background Duplicates from Sorted Array RemoveTotal; Accepted:    69756  Submissions:  Total; Submissions 223981MySolution  Question A sorted array remove, the duplicates in place such that each element appear once  only  and; return the new length. GivenNot allocate extra space for another array you, must do this in place with constant memory. DoExample For,Input array  Given; nums  =  [1,1,2],Your function should return the length =  2, with the first two elements of  nums  being  1  and  2 & nbsp; respectively. It doesn't matter what you leave beyond the new length. Key Technology Mainly using C++. The specific ideas of the algorithm are in the code, and very detailed. The code has passed the test of leetcode. Special attention should be paid to the treatment of some boundary value. Boundary values can cause a lot of exceptions.
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Application background StrStr Implement ()Total; Accepted:    58831  Submissions:  Total; Submissions 263818MySolution  Question StrStr Implement ().The index of the first occurrence of needle in haystack or, -1 if needle is not part of haystack. ReturnsUpdate (2014-11-02):The signature of the function had been updated to return the  index  instead of the pointer. if you still see your function signature returns a  char *  or  string. Please click the reload button  & nbsp; to reset your code definition. Key Technology Mainly using C++. The specific ideas of the algorithm are in the code, and very detailed. The code has passed the test of leetcode. Special attention should be paid to the treatment of some boundary value. Boundary values can cause a lot of exceptions.
Indoor positioning system for simple fingerprint a
Application background In the indoor environment can not use the satellite positioning, the use of indoor positioning technology as a satellite positioning auxiliary positioning, to solve the satellite signal to reach the ground is weak, can not penetrate buildings. Finally locate the position of the object at the present. Indoor positioning can be used for commercial, etc. Key Technology Wireless local area network (WLAN), which is composed of wireless access points (including wireless router), can achieve the task of locating, monitoring and tracking in complex environment. It to the location information of the network nodes (wireless access point) is the basis and premise by combining empirical test and signal propagation model, to have access to the mobile devices for the location, the highest accuracy about 1 to 20 metres in between. If calculates position only based on the current connection Wi Fi access points instead of the reference surr
3longest substring leetcode
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Application background Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Leetcode above third questions, the eldest son sequence. Key Technology To find th
Test4 MedianOfTwoSortedArr leetcode
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Application background Is the leetcode above fourth questions, to find the median array of two sort. Is the leetcode above fourth questions, to find the median array of two sort. Is the leetcode above fourth questions, to find the median array of two sort. Is the leetcode above fourth questions, to find the median array of two sort. Key Technology Two points of variation search bar. Two points of variation search bar. Two points of variation search bar. Two points of variation search bar. Two points of variation search bar. Two points of variation search bar. Two points of variation search bar. Two points of variation search bar. Two points of variation search bar.
Leetcode 1 sum problem two
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Application background Leetcode the first problem, two number of add problem. Leetcode the first problem, two number of add problem. Leetcode the first problem, two number of add problem. Leetcode the first problem, two number of add problem. Leetcode the first problem, two number of add problem. Leetcode the first problem, two number of add problem. Leetcode the first problem, two number of add problem. Key Technology Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add. Scan and then add.
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