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Rotating motor at Arduino and motor with ultra-low
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Application background if you connect the motor directly to the Arduino and the output low impedance motor – the current from the Arduino pin will directly drive the motor winding through the ground (not applicable to the motor external and power supply). This is a great opportunity to burn your lovely microprocessor. At the same time, in the application notes, a word is worth avoiding logic input overload, so that "the voltage should be before the logic signal input." I also highly recommend learning (or buying) this open hardware drive board based on brushless DC motor driven by Michael Anton. It has input protection resistors, zener diodes, power / filter elements, and even back amplifier potential sensing circuits (not used here). Key technology after compiling, you will have information and a lot of memory. Even in heavy 360 value sinusoidal array. So, there are 360 "steps" in an electrical revolution, and six motors have been tested for each electrical revolution machine. This means 360 × 6 = 2160 "per mechanical revolution or 0.16 steps" (7) precision. If not enough, you can even make 3x look-up tables more accurate. Here are some videos to illustrate the results (you have to pay attention to the last one of the movements! Very patient)
Vector control of permanent magnet synchronous mot
Application background The mathematical model of PMSM, using the powerful simulation modelling capabilities of Matlab/Simulink is implemented. The entire PMSM control system is divided into several independent functional modules such as PMSM body module, inverter module and coordinate transformation module and SVPWM production module and so on. The simulation model of the PMSM control system can be obtained by combining these modules. The main advantage of SIMULINK over other programming softwares is that, instead of compilation of program code, the simulation model is built up systematically by means of basic function blocks. With the simulation of the motor, we can analyse a variety of simulation waveforms and it provide an effective means for the analysis and design of the PMSM control system. Key Technology

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