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I, M, Smith, the third edition of the Fortran prog
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Application background "Finite element method programming," the third edition of the Fortran program,     many of the finite element of the material is usually only the principle of finite element analysis and practical engineering problems, and not and to produce the actual numberConstruction of computer program of value result. The book is dedicated to help readers through the use of finite element techniques for the design of the algorithm and the design of the block". The heavyThe point well is not a program, but a collection of processes or routines. Purpose is to teach readers to write intelligent programs and use them. The content involves the use ofFinite element method to solve the problem of solid and liquid, the differential equation of the emblem of the differential equations, and the application of the algorithm, and the application in various fields.    the structure of this book is reasonable, the sample is rich, it is very rare to
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