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SOCK MFC programming
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Application background MFC, TCP communication programmingEasy to understand the communication between the TCP server and the client.As a client or server, the client can chat with the server, you can set the IP address and port number.Also left the interface for TCP to send control commands. Key Technology Socket originated in UNIX, in the Unix all the philosophy of philosophy, socket is a "open - read / write - off" mode, the server and the client to maintain a "file", after the establishment of the connection is open, you can write to their own files for each other read or read the other side, the end of the file.Socket type      common socket has 3 types as follows.       ; (1) socket (SOCK_STREAM)        stream socket provides reliable, connection oriented communication flow; it uses TCP protocol to ensure the correctness and sequence of data transmission.        (2) s
Libevent library to achieve timer and server side
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Application background Libevent is an event based network library, memcached is also the bottom layer using libevent library.Overall, libevent has the following features and advantages:* event driven, high performance;* lightweight, focus on the network;  * cross platform, support Windows, Linux, Os  , etc.; Mac;* supports a variety of I/O multiplexing technologies, poll, dev/poll, kqueue, select and epoll, etc.;  * support I/O, timer and signal events; Key Technology By default, it is a single thread (which can be configured into a multi thread, if it is needed), each thread has and only one event_base, which corresponds to a event_base struct structure (as well as an event manager attached to it), which is used to schedule managed to a series of event, which can be managed with the process of the operating system. When an event occurs, the event_base will call a function that is bound at the appropriate time (not necessarily immed
Hikvision monitor client DEMO
Application background Hikvision's monitoring software source code.Can be more than two times as the development of SDK, can learn, can be developed as a monitoring software for the two.Realize: monitor preview, add equipment, video, playback, user management, equipment management, and other basic monitoring software all functions. Key Technology Equipment network SDK main functionsImage preview, playback and file download, PTZ control, deployment / Chefang, voice intercom, log management, card decoding, remote upgrade, remote reboot on / off, to format the hard disk, configuration parameters (system configuration,Channel configuration, serial port configuration, alarm configuration, user configuration, multi - channel decoder, intelligent device function and acquisition equipment, etc..Applies to but not limited to the following product models:1 encoding and decoding equipmentNVR:DS-9600, DS-9500, DS-7700, DS-7600 series;DS-8000-ST, HDVR:DS-9000
Jinshan open source interface library
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Application background Bkwin is a well-known Kingsoft Internet company, an open source project (Jinshan open source), the use of the interface library, the use of VC++ development, similar to DUILIB.Through the XML definition of resources, can develop a beautiful no border with the skin of the interface.The famous "brush machine Wizard" is the use of the library development Key Technology  In order to interface can be configured and skin, need to interface elements can be dynamically created and set the attribute according to XML.In CBkObject, the BKLib class completes such functions, primarily responsible for the creation and properties of the class. Because objects are dynamically created from the XML, dynamic creation is a class of the most basic properties, so the other classes are derived from CBkObject.
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