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Laboratory management system based on C + +
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Student laboratory management system uses C + + to write, the basic role is administrator, teacher, student, the basic function is the daily management of the laboratory, divided into student management and project management. This system is used for laboratory management, the function must have: I. & nbsp; Personnel management: including adding and deleting students to the laboratory, adding and deleting teachers to the laboratory, modifying the information of students and teachers, and querying the information of students and teachers; II; Project management: including adding and deleting projects, modifying project information, adding and deleting project members, and querying project information; III. having a simple interactive interface, UI or command line, and being able to operate; IV. & nbsp; having a login link, such a system can be used by different users (students, teachers, administrators). Among them, the administrator had better have a password. 5. Data should be able to be stored in files, not just in memory, or the next time you turn on the system, there will be no data. 6. & nbsp; different users have different permissions. It is natural to think that the administrator's authority should be the highest, followed by teachers and students. However, it is also possible to query the content with high permissions for those with low permissions.
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