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PHP + MySQL voting system source version, no functional restrictions
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1、 Foreground function: 1. Player's random unique ID (each ID can only be used once) 2. Voting address is random unique (each voting address can only be used once) 3. Graphic verification code, voice verification code, puzzle verification code, SMS verification code (background can choose the type of verification code, the length of the graphic verification code can be adjusted, and the voice file of the voice verification code can be replaced) 4. External JS call tag (any other station can call the system data through this JS tag) 5. Player self registration and self maintenance data (optional background setting) 6. Voting user registration, multiple verification methods (background setting) Setting (optional)
Rainbow seconds-Zambia
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Rainbow cloud task hangs system V7.7 1. Add Tencent anime sign 2. fix created when you add a QQ connection failure 3. repair-logo display problem V7.6.5 1.QQ small tool QQ changed nicknames, amazing head 2. Diamond sign and lucky draw 3. Add a QQ auto repair concerned tribal 4. Add QQ-mail transit point for automatic renewal 5. limit the number of one-time generated card key 6. custom hook API you can set up multiple addresses 7. fix talk V7.6 1. increase group sign in custom locations 2. background upload Home background 3. brush the QQ charts feature, fix QQ music speed 4. Add QQ random nickname function 5. enhance the amazing bubble rate 6. fix add QQ to automatically add friend 7. site monitoring increases the real IP setting
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