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Jeesite MySQL source code
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Jeesite is an open source Java EE rapid development platform with high efficiency, high performance and strong security, which is based on several excellent open source projects and highly integrated. Jeesite is the best basic platform solution for you to quickly complete the project. Jeesite is the best learning case for you to learn Java platform. Jeesite is also the best assistant for private work. Jeesite is a java development platform based on spring framework. It uses spring MVC as model view controller, mybatis as data access layer, Apache Shiro as permission authorization layer, ehchahe to cache common data, actit as workflow engine. It's the best integration in the Java EE world. Jeesite is mainly located in the field of informatization. It has built-in basic functions of informatization system and efficient code generation tools, including system permission component, Data permission component, data dictionary component, core tool component, view operation component, workflow component, code generation, etc. The front-end interface style adopts the twitter bootstrap page display framework with simple structure, excellent performance and beautiful page. Hierarchical design, double verification, data security coding, password encryption, access verification and data authority verification are adopted. Use Maven to do project management, improve the ease of development and scalability of the project. Jeesite currently includes the following three modules: system management (sys), content management (CMS), online office (OA) and code generation (Gen). &System management module, including organization structure (user management, organization management)
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