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Hospital appointment registration system
The role of this system is divided into user and administrator. The front desk users mainly carry out registration, login, department and expert information browsing, appointment registration, message and other operations. The backstage administrator mainly carries out department management, expert management, user management, appointment management, message management, announcement management and other operations. The development of the system includes the establishment and maintenance of the background database and the development of the foreground application. The former requires the establishment of a database with strong data consistency, integrity and good security. For the latter, the system is required to provide a convenient and friendly man-machine dialogue interface, which can be used for data entry, query, modification, sorting and other functions. Based on the comprehensive analysis and investigation of the hospital appointment registration platform, the overall planning of the hospital system is realized. The realization of the system includes the overall realization of the system, the detailed realization of the system, the realization of the system database, the system development tools, the development technology and the development mode, etc. Finally, the test of the system is carried out. After the test, the system basically realizes all the functions of the design.
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