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Chanlunv1.2 source code
Why V1.2 released-onlyof the source code My current version is 3.01, and realized a lot of things, but are built around core part to do, version 2.02 realization algorithm for calculating the MACD and EMA-wound area (called KISS^-^\~~~), buy system is implemented in a 301, but the significance of these to learn how much then? Instead of meaning, and can interfere with learning. MACD is a software stocks will have, myself and system there is no difference, but more cumbersome to use (only trouble is an area). Buy system judging is purely based on morphological, relies on data, constitutes a form of diversity I just chose some of the classic morphological analysis of 123 points, their subjectivity is too strong, just when it is convenient to pick stocks. There are from version 2.0, themselves contain around k-line processing, typing, pen, segment, hubs are individually packaged in a class of algorithms, do not understand the structure of understanding will increase in diffi
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