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Springboot mall management
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What can spring data JPA do: it can greatly simplify the writing of JPA, and can realize the access and operation of data without writing. In addition to crud, it also includes some common functions such as paging and sorting. What spring data JPA has? Let's mainly look at the interface provided by spring data JPA, which is also the core concept of spring data JPA: 1: Repository: the top-level interface, which is an empty interface. The purpose is to unify the types of all repositories, and to automatically identify components when scanning. 2: Crudrepository: is a sub interface of repository, providing crud functions. 3: pagingandsortingrepository: is a sub interface of crudrepository, adding paging and sorting functions. 4: jpaprepository: is a sub interface of pagingandsortingrepository, adding some practical functions, such as batch operation. 5: Jpaspecification executor: interface used for query 6: specification: a query specification provided by spring data JPA. To do complex queries, you only need to set query conditions around this specification
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