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my first program area of triangle
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#Include & nbsp; main() {float teihen, takasa, menseki; printf ("triangle の area を find め ま す. \"N"); printf ("the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force, the bottom of the input force. \In this paper, the author introduces the main features of the system, which are as follows: (1) scan ("% F", & amp; teihen); (2) printf ("% F", & amp; teihen); (3) input force. \The results show that: 1) the total area of the project is less than that of the project; 2) scanf ("% F", & amp; takasa); menseki = teihen * takasa / 2; printf ("area は% f cm ~ 2 す). \n",menseki); return 0; }
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