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MotionDetection in java
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I am currently working on a final year project in my school. It has to do with making a motion detector with a webcam. After many failed attempts I decided to go online to get some help. I found some code for the class that would help do what I want for my project, but it didn't have any tutorial on how to understand the code. The code wasn't so perfectly commented. There is a method in the code that is of concern to me. It is the process method. Can anyone tell me how to create the objects that would serve as parameters for the method cos I don't know the fully qualified name of the Buffer class. And again I also need to fully understand the rest of the method. Here is the URL of the code. I am currently working on a final year project in my school. It has to do with making a motion detector with a webcam. After many failed attempts I decided to go online to get some help. I found some code for the class
video MotionTracking in java
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n a webcam or video, drawing a rectangle around them. Applications: surveillance, interactive games, using motion for mouse input, etc., etc. Written in Java. Used JMF for video input. C++ would be better for performance, but Java allowed me to finish the project in a short amount of time.
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