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Data Encryption Algorithm, Caesar, Playfair
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zero data encryption algorithm (Data Encryption Algorithm, DEA) is a symmetric encryption algorithm, is probably the most widely used key system, especially in the security of financial data, originally developed DEA is embedded in the hardware. Generally, ATM (Automated Teller Machine, ATM) use DEA. It comes from IBM's research work, IBM has the patent on it a few years, but after 1983 has expired, in the public range, allowing exempt royalties under specific conditions and use. 1997 formally adopted by the U.S. government. DES original ideas can refer to World War II German Enigma machine, the basic idea about the same. The traditional password encryption are displaced by the ancient ideas from circulation, the Enigma machines were based on diffusion blurred. But the essence of the principle is the same. Modern DES at the binary level doing the same thing: Alternative blur, increasing the difficulty of the analysis.
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