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SNMP programming using Java
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SNMPv3 programming using the SNMP4J consists of the following steps: 1) create Snmp SNMP 2) USM object is created, and creates a User, add to the USM object. Creating a User is required to specify securityName, authentication protocol MD5/SHA1, authentication key, DES/AES encryption algorithms, encryption keys. Add a User to the USM object when, engineID can be specified with or without a specified. 3) create a UserTarget object target, and specify the version, address, timeout and retry parameters, and SNMPv1/v2 are the same. Must also specify two parameters specific to the SNMPv3 SecurityLevel and SecurityName. SNMP4J will find matches according to the SecurityName USM UserTable User, encrypted with the User's authentication information. Lookup must match the SecurityName and engineID, but if you add a User to the USM when not specified engineID, SecurityName of the same match. 4) create PDU Scoped
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