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secure and reliable data transmission in Wireless
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Message Authentication is one of the most effective ways to thwart unauthorized and corrupted messages from being forwarded in wireless sensor networks (WSNs).Propose a scalable authentication scheme based on EllipticCurve Cryptography (ECC).While enabling intermediate nodes authentication, proposed scheme allows any node to transmit an unlimited number of messages with privacy using a Source Anonymous Message Authentication Code (SAMAC).
How to create Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in ns2
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Wireless sensor network (WSN) is composed of a large number of small sensor nodes deployed in the area. Energy model is one of the optional attributes of a node in wireless sensor networks. The energy model represents the energy level of mobile nodes. The required energy model design includes components of initialenergy, txpower, rxpower and idlepower. &Quot; initialenergy & quot; indicates that the node has the energy level at the initial stage of simulation. &Quot; txpower & quot; and & quot; rxpower & quot; refer to the energy consumed by packets used for transmission and reception. If the node is a sensor, the energy model should include a special component called & quot; sensepower & quot. It refers to the energy consumed in the process of remote sensing operation. In addition to these components, it must be specified within the communication range (rxthresh ﹤ U) And remote sensing range node (csthresh). Sample 18. TCL designs the sensor node configuration in wireless sensor network, which has different communication and remote sensing range. The base station has the highest communication range. Data transmission is established between UDP proxy and CBR Traffic node.
How to create random/dynamic topology in ns2
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The dynamic topology can be created using rand function in Tool Command Language (TCL) script with fixed number of nodes. The nodes can be deployed in the area of X*Y. Each node is assigned with a random location within X*Y using rand function. In dynamic topology, the neighbors of each node vary with the location of that particular node. The code segment in sample2.tcl file demonstrates the dynamic topology in wireless network with 2 nodes that are deployed in the area of 500m * 400m
How to create Dynamic Wireless Network in ns2
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The dynamic wireless network in ns2 can be modeled using rand function in Tool Command Language (TCL) script. The number of nodes in the network varies dynamically during the runtime. The dynamic wireless network allocates the dynamic location for each node. The sample3.tcl file shows the dynamic network with dynamic number of nodes specified during the execution that are deployed in the area of 500m * 500m 
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