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codes (2)
Numerical Electromagnetic Code in C
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NEC2c is a translation of the Numerical Electromagnetics Code (NEC2) from FORTRAN to C. It uses three terms (sine, cosine and constant) to represent the current functions and apply method of moments to solve the 3-D antenna problems. NEC2c provides both thin wire and surface patches modelling and the effect of the ground plane (perfect/imperfect) can be specified in NEC2c. However, the current NEC2c does not allow the antenna to be placed under the ground and the field calculation is also limited to free space only. The problem can be expended to both buried and elevated wires by adding functions to the somnec.c code. For large distance between the source and the evaluation point, the field is solved using Norton Formulas while Sommerfeld integration is performed with small distances.
Matlab Radial Interpolation Method
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This Matlab code provides the radial interpolation methods for multi-dimensional scattered data. The interpolation methods is best used for radial basis function whose values depend only on the distances of the input variables to the origin. An example of the use of the code is shown below. %1D example x = 0:1.25:10; f = sin(x); xi = 0:.1:10; %Matlab interpolation fi = interp1(x,f,xi); % RBF interpolation rbf=rbfcreate(x, f); fi = rbfinterp(xi, rbf); %2D example x = rand(50,1)*4-2; y = rand(50,1)*4-2; z = x.*exp(-x.^2-y.^2); ti = -2:.05:2; [XI,YI] = meshgrid(ti,ti); %Matlab interpolation ZI = griddata(x,y,z,XI,YI,'cubic'); %RBF interpolation rbf=rbfcreate([x'; y'], z'); ZI = rbfinterp([XI(:)'; YI(:)'], op); ZI = reshape(ZI, size(XI)); Optional parameters: 1
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