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О внесении изменений в пункт 1 комплексного плана мероприятий по созданию региональной системы капитального ремонта многоквартирных домов в рамках реализации Федерального закона от 25 In 2012, China will be on the basis of the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; the Chinese people'2012; 2012; the Chinese people'2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; 2012; the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who can be allowed to be allowed to be the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese people who is the Chinese the first one is the first one, which is the first one. The second one is the second one. The third one is the third one. The third one is the third one положений законодательных актов Российской Федерации» в Ямало Ненецком автономном округе
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