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S7-200 frequency conversion constant pressure wate
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Application of PLC + frequency converter in constant pressure water supply control system. 1. Introduction this paper is based on the actual situation of a residential area, combined with the requirements of the user's life / fire dual constant pressure water supply control, some of our experience of transformation. Now the transformation is introduced as follows. As a case series of inverter application in water supply control. 2. The user's field situation is shown in Figure 1. The municipal network tap water uses the high and low water level controller EQ to control the water injection valve yv1, which automatically fills the water storage tank with water. As long as the water level is lower than the high water level, it automatically fills the water tank. The high and low water level signals of the pool are also directly sent to PLC as water level alarm. In order to maintain the continuity of water supply, the distance between the upper and lower limit sensors is less. The domestic water and fire water share four pumps. At ordinary times, the solenoid valve yv2 is in the power-off state, and the fire pipe network is closed. According to the amount of domestic water, the four pumps operate according to certain control logic to maintain the low and constant pressure of domestic water. When there is a fire, the solenoid valve yv2 is powered on, the domestic water pipe network is closed, four pumps are used for fire water, and the high constant pressure value of fire water is maintained. After the fire, the four pumps were changed to domestic water supply. &Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of domestic / fire dual constant pressure water supply system the parameters of field equipment are as follows: model 65-315 (I) a flow 50m3 / h head 90m efficiency 56% speed
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