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Minesweeper (walk)
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Background You play Minesweeper game, right? There is an operating system with the game, the system what do you call it? ;-) In the game, if you want to cross the border, it must be in an NxM took all of the landmines in the area. During the game, the computer will display some statistics on a map to help you determine where there are landmines. For example, 4x4 has two mines in this map (* means mines): *... .... . *.. .... Based on the above map, should be made available to the player can be calculated as shown in the figures are as follows: *100 2210 1*10 1110 Each number represents several mines around the square are, of course, a square around most of the time there will be only eight. Enter Input will consist of a series of maps, the first line of each map there are two integers m and n (0<n,m<=100), they represent the number of columns and rows o
Mowing the lawn
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Have a lawn n*m (1<=n,m<=100), Prairie heights in the lawn is 100. Now use the mower to mow the lawn, to get a variety of patterns. Lawn mower only horizontal or vertical mowing. Mowing would first set a height cut height setting after the grass is cut into a set of height. Grass turned out to be 5, set the height of 4, then cut it after it becomes a 4. Now to give a pictorial, asked if she could look like grass cut into patterns. First line of the input contains two integers m and n. Next n line input, each row contains positive integers not greater than 100 m. If the pattern can be clipped into the input, the output "YES", the output of "NO".
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