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BFS, DFS, N-puzzle using heristic, a* and manhatta
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The problem (or game) n-puzzle is probably very familiar to us as well as beginners who have  access to courses in artificial intelligence. It is known for its many versions and different names such as 8-puzzle,  15-puzzle, Gem Puzzle, Boss Puzzle, Game of Fifteen, Mystic Square, ... At the simplest level I would say about 8-puzzle. II . A * search algorithm A * search algorithm is a commonly used in problems related to graph and find the way . It was chosen not only because of its effectiveness but also because it's easy to understand and install . You need to understand this algorithm before continuing . I award you've known about this theory , however for convenience of reference you can read the two links below : - A * search algorithm - A * search algorithm III . Analysis of the problem - As discussed in the previous article , there are state of
static huffman using c++ (include intructions)
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- First , the program will scan compressed files and save input character in file , ( nhapDuLieu function ( ) ) and then sorted in order of the appearance of the regular characters .- Next, used to encrypt data to create Huffman tree by taoCayHuffman method ( ) . Data will be stored in the output file . Later when decoding uses the stored data to generate the Huffman tree used for the decompression .- Use ListNode is a double link list HuffmanNode store . Each HuffmanNode 7 components , including the cursor left, right .+ Symbol is character .+ Freq is the number of characters matched .+ Codeword is the decimal representation for the corresponding binary number . For example codeword of A is 3 , which corresponds to the binary code 011 .+ CodewordLen stored bits in codeword number to avoid confusion with 0011 or 11 011 or 00011 ...+ RunLen length of characters identical- Principle of operation of the encode ( ) : for example, in the original input file containing the string AAAB , AAA
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