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Implementing XOR cipher encryption / decryption in C#
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The XOR encryption / decryption XOR encryption technology is implemented in C #. In the theory and practice of extending C # - A from the system password introduction xoft, a key is used to smash the encryption algorithm with password string. The result is Base64 encoding. It's certainly not the most powerful encryption technology; however, it's enough if 100% security is not the primary goal. The longer the key phrase, the harder it will be to take the key to strike. However, the longer the ciphertext takes, the easier it is to decode the string as to repeat the pattern in the encoded string is to be found using frequency analysis. The best solution is to have a key of the same length as the source string. This will not only create unbreakable encryption in theory. This is the only possible source string whether it always has the same length (such as a GUID). It's not when it's necessary to actually 'part plain text or text with variable length as the decoder and encoder must have knowledge of the key.
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