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restaurant, meniuri
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Triggers in javascript.This code is make for better visualization an for improving the aspects of the site.I use label, textbox, an wen clicking for the buton the text apear in the coin of page where i want. Also i show and hide a image. Triggers in javascript.This code is make for better visualization an for improving the aspects of the site.I use label, textbox, an wen clicking for the buton the text apear in the coin of page where i want. Also i show and hide a image. Triggers in javascript.This code is make for better visualization an for improving the aspects of the site.I use label, textbox, an wen clicking for the buton the text apear in the coin of page where i want. Also i show and hide a image. Triggers in javascript.This code is make for better visualization an for improving the aspects of the site.I use label, textbox, an wen clicking for the buton the text apear in the
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