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Meanshift source code
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Mean Shift, we translate as "float Mean Shift  mean the concept was pioneered in 1975 by Fukunaga, who in an essay on probability density estimation of gradient function (The Estimation of the Density Gradient of a Function, with Applications in Pattern Recognition  ) In the proposed to of, its initially meaning as the its name, is offset of are value vector, in here Mean Shift is a noun, it refers to generation of is a vector, but with Mean Shift theory of development, Mean Shift of meaning also occurred has changes, if we said Mean Shift algorithm, General is refers to a Diego generation of steps, that first is out current points of offset are value, mobile the points to its offset are value, then to this for new of starting points, continues to mobile, Until certain conditions are met an end. move. " The clustering, image smoothing. Image segmentation and tracking has been widely used.
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