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Gesture recognition in c#
In this article, I want to discuss a more application, which uses motion detection as its first step, and then do some interesting programs with the detection object hand gesture recognition. Let's assume that we have an area monitored by a camera. When someone enters the area and makes some hand gestures in front of the camera, the app should detect the type of pose, and trigger events such as. When the gesture of the hand is detected, the application program can perform different operations according to the type of the gesture. For example, a gesture recognition application can control a device, or other applications can send different commands to it, depending on the gesture recognized. What kind of hand gesture are we talking about? It is discussed in the specific application that the artifact can recognize up to 15 gestures, which are a combination of four different positions of two hands - hands are not raised, presented diagonally downward, upward diagonally, or raised straight.
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