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Medical Store Software
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It is a complete medical store management software, cleverly designed to reduce the workload of medical store professionals. The main functions include invoice, inventory control, accounting, customer and supplier management. This software can help you track all the profits, losses, profitable customers and products of medical stores. In addition, this is the accounting software for medical stores. Flexibility and adaptability software is suitable for medical stores or stores or pharmacies of any size. Current system functions: - menu driven, keyboard and mouse navigation paperless practice to improve efficiency Productivity cost effective solution GUI with context sensitive help auto import drug catalog built in account group and account ledger options used to set default company keep address book / phone easily accessible directory options used to set default company current system restrictions: - we can't view past financial year financial reports we can't use different The financial year of creating multiple companies does not keep all the financial reports and financial statement books, profit and loss amounts and balance sheets, etc. it only allows one user not to provide high security, so there is no better search option to find available products for the company. It provides only 50 reports. The special training required to use the system is accounting knowledge that must be provided for using this system
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