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UART Transmitter
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Serial communication is a very useful feature in any project that you like to design. Serial means that you can send multiple bits of data over a SINGLE line. That's right! 1 line can send many bits. This reduces the complexity of a design and frees up pins that you might need for other things. Why is this useful? If you want to communicate to a computer, another FPGA, another device like a microcontroller or even interface to a digital to analog converter. Design Needs 1. Clock divider - this is just a counter that sends bit by bit at a specified speed ( baud rate). On the receiver side, this data will be sampled to make sure that the transmission was received without error. 2. Shift register - The data we plan to send over a line is stored in bit-registers on the FPGA. A bit register can be composed of many bits. Because we only want to use 1 output of the FPGA to send all the data, we need to have a
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