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Python TkInter GUI to examine/deal with comma-sepa
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This is a GUI a did back in 2009. The idea is that you can load one of 2 different format files which are, in fact, not necessarily, comma separated values (otherwise I should have used that python library.) Example, one separator are "|", mixed with commas. I know this is veeery primitive, I did it to tests 'production files' we got while testing the antennas that were being assembled and then added to the ALMA system. Sorry is not more than that. I am attaching a couple of files that you can use to test this scripts/GUI.  There are 3 scripts/files: 1. the 'main' code is "excep.py" 2. class2.py 3. class3.py 4. A 'png' file just to show the GUI you will get; in order to start this, in a linux terminal type python excep.py It works fine under the red-hat scientific, Debian wheezy and Fedora 11/12 linux distros. This might be useful if you are starting with Pyth
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