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Huffman encoding and decoding
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This project is a simple C++ implementation of Huffman coding. Currently, it can only encode files; the decoding function is on hold while I work on my university courses. COMPILING Compiling is handled by the Make utility. To compile, simply navigate to the root folder of the repository and run "make". To compile in debug mode, run "make DEBUG=1". RUNNING The executable "huffman" should be passed a single argument: the name of the file to encode (or decode, when the decoding function is completed). The encoded file is placed in the same directory with ".huf" appended to the file name. ANATOMY OF AN ENCODED FILE The first 3 bits of the file indicate the number of excess bits at the end of the last byte; these trailing bits will be ignored by the decoder. The next 128 bytes describe the codebook. Because a canonical Huffman code ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canonical_Huffman_code ) is used to encode files
Huffman encoding and decoding in JAVA
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This is my report for my Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms class. The Huffman Code is the algorithm behind file compression and decompression. The idea of this algorithm is to create a variable length coding system such that frequent characters will have shorter codes as opposed to non-frequent characters. Instead of using the usual ASCII or Unicode encoding system, a new coding system is used to lessen the number of bits necessary to store the same file. According to research, Huffman Code is also an example of a loss-less compression.
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