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University Course Transfer System
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This is a system that allows the university registration office to manage the transfer of student courses. Students registered in the system may want to move to a different course. Mmust online course transfer system (mocts) is a web-based application. Its main purpose is to help students apply online and inform all applicants whether their replies are qualified or not by SMS. The system has two modules: the student module and the Registrar / administrator module. Users are expected to register before login, during the registration process, they specify their identity as either an administrator or a student. In this design module, users and students can view the list and all courses offered and applied by universities of cluster points and disciplines. After he wants to transfer to, the system processes the request and generates the list of successful and nonsuccessful applicants. The other hand of the administrator is the set of minimum clipping points for various courses and the number of vacancies that will be available for each course. He / she also feeds KCSE results to the database and validates and approves application request processing results and triggers SMS notification (use of enabled gateway system) for all applicants to tell them their qualifications or failed students. The project also explains how the system got from the start to the finish. In addition, the interaction between different components of the system is introduced. It also highlights the achievements made during the project. In addition, the report also gives the challenges faced by the system and the proposed limitations.
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