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Creating with a large number of nodes Wireless Sen
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This programmme is very useful in creating a wireless sensor network. It can be used directly in the code as the module. This creates a wireless sensor network that consists of many nodes and also provides to select a region in which they can be managed to send the data and receive the data. It acts as a module which can be inserted in any given code snippet.
A rotating ball around a circle in OpenGL
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I have made this project using c programming language in OpenGL . This projects includes a small ball that rotates around a big circle in clockwise and anticlockwise direction again and again . If anybody does not want to see the rotation he/she can press escape button to exit its execution . It also run on MacOS . Any body can modify the small ball to rotate inside the circle by increasing the radius of big circle . Its colour can be changed by providing right attributes value that is given in the color function . It is very interesting project . Similar project can be found on my github account . The following link will take you all the code of my OpenGL programmes . Since I am opensource person I have shared my all codes on git hub which has following link :     https://github.com/obedullah/OpenGL
An object moving according to mouse path
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I have made this project using c programming language in OpenGL . It is a programme that acts according to mouse movement like if anybody wants a path according to him as complex as it may be and he makes a path using mouse . Now the small object moves according to the path created as by the user . The path created may be as complex as you can draw it using mouse and the programme correctly runs following the mouse path . It is a simple programme it you know the OpenGL but if you don't then It is a smaller bit difficult . The code can also be found on github account that has the following link : https://github.com/obedullah/OpenGL
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