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Unilateral space resection
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Application background Space resection is a by a certain number of ground control points and the corresponding image point coordinate to solve single photo orientation elements, it can be as solid as the base of intersection. Key Technology For any control point, we know the ground coordinates and the corresponding image point coordinates, the substitution of the collinearity condition equation can list two equations, therefore, necessary to three control points in order to calculate six exterior orientation elements. In the practical application, in order to avoid the gross error, there should be more than points, therefore, generally need 4 to 6 control points.
Projection operator pros Gauss
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Application background & nbsp; of Legendre series was improved to the two end points of the geodesic mean latitude and average azimuth based on Gaussian averaging argument formula, it has fast convergence of the series is put forward in this paper, formula of the number of items that are less, high precision, calculation is simple, applicable scope large advantages. Key Technology & nbsp; first of all, the Legendre series at the points P1 to P2 expansion change in geodesic length the midpoint m, in order to make the series formula of the number of items to reduce, fast convergence, high precision; secondly to calculate the complexity of the midpoint m, point m in M corresponds to the average latitude of the two end points of the geodesic and mean azimuthal instead. And with the help of iterative calculation, can successfully achieve the geodetic problem is considered.
Topological relation construction
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Application background   topological relation is the most basic and most important relationship between spatial objects in GIS. It plays an important role in the process of spatial data modeling, spatial query, analysis, reasoning, mapping, image retrieval and similarity analysis. Key Technology Using C# programming, the original data stored in a text file, the text file is saved in the point and arc section information (also can be edge). After reading the data algorithm can automatically generating topology information, and containing Island polygons, polygons with independent chain code representation of topology.
Sale Solution to Geodetic White
Application background   the Searl geodetic theme solution is applied to the long distance and short distance calculation of the spherical surface, the application is wide, with high accuracy, simple calculation, the application of large scale and so on. Key Technology The earth element of the ellipsoid is projected onto the auxiliary sphere in accordance with the projection of the white Searl, and then on the spherical surface. The key problem is to find out the relationship between the elements of the earth element and the corresponding element on the sphere, and to solve the problem of the solution on the sphere.
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