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spinal codes resource codes
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Spinal codes are a new family of rateless codes. They apply a random hash function over the message bits to produce pseudo-random bits, which in turn can (optionally) be mapped directly to a dense Gaussian or uniform constellation for transmission.  A good, perhaps even ideal, solution to this problem---and an attractive architecture for practical wireless networks---is to make communication links rateless. In a rateless network, the sender encodes data without any explicit estimation or adaptation, implicitly adapting to the vagaries introduced by noise, interference, or fading. The receiver processes data (symbols or bits) as it arrives, decoding it, until the message is received successfully. If the code is good, then the network can perform well without incurring the complexities and challenges of implementing multiple fixed-rate codes and picking between them, implementing several bits to symbols mappings and picking a suitable one, and last
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