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This project is an opinion mining project. It take
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This project is an opinion mining project. It takes a text file with amazon product reviews and outputs an analysis of the product. It uses the Apache. "The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the processing of natural language text. It supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking, parsing, and coreference resolution.These tasks are usually required to build more advanced text processing services. OpenNLP also includes maximum entropy and perceptron based machine learning." This was an experimental project but the outcomes were good so it became a real project. Please provide a text file containing Amazon product reviews.
This project divides a video into scenes based on
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This a simple project that takes a video path and computes scene segments of the video. The scenes are based on amount of motion between two consecutive frames which can be threshold by the user. The Scenes class can also play the scenes, return scene with highest number of frames, return scene with lowest number of frame and/or get scene by id. The project uses opencv's motion estimator to calculate motion between two frames. The scenes are stored in two vectors. One vector holds unsorted scenes and the other holds scene sorted in ascending order based on the number of frames they contain.
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