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MIMO THP algrorithm massive
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Application background The Design of ZF and MMSE  in Precoding Tomlinson-Harashima Multiuser  MIMO Amplify-and-Forward Relay System it is the described main MIMO system the in multi-user    scenario.the precoding algrithm is combined the ZF precoding and the MMSE precoding. main On Key Technology Design a zero-forcing Tomlinson-Harashima (ZF)   precoding and (THP) a minimum mean weError THP (MMSE) for multiuser MIMO relay system  with direct link. Based on these we propose  the optimal precoding weights combining the ZF THP of the and the MMSE  structures of in THP duplex and system half MMSE relay the sub-optimal weights  THP to reduce feedback information state channel we Through verify Monte the simulation Carlo outperforms we that the  optimal weights combining method method. the constant  InOf the sub-optimal weights combining method is  close; to the optimal method while, reducing the feedbac
Years of Shannon Theory Fifty
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Application background Years of Shannon Theory Fifty:Brief chronicle is given of the historical development AThe central problems in the theory of fundamental limits ofData compression and reliable communication. of Key Technology S' A mathematical theory of in published communication July and October of Shannon 1948 isMagna Carta of the information age. Shannon s discoveryof the fundamental laws of and compression data transmission  the the marks of birth Theory. Information data A unifying theory with  profound intersections with Probability Statistics Computer  Science other and fields Information Theory continues stage the to set  of for theProcessing and, other information technologies. and
Networks about Auburn University Femtocell
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Application background Main described the  Auburn; University Electrical and Computer Engineering and the theroy of the  Moore Law s for Wireless described, the  Qualcomm 1000x s Mobile Data Challenge. this Key Technology Cellular (residential) base stations Operate (FBS), by clients Deployed, connection to the Macro Base Station Internet (MBS), at a power of 20mW and up to meters 10 Provide, better indoor coverage SmallData from the macrocell. OffloadOf Wireless Engineering Bachelor (BWE):Program and  The; first-of-its-kind in the nation. ABET-accredited
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Application background Papers main describe the humans   communacation; history from begin to future this, can summarised the 4G and, 3G, 2G, and his histoy and   1G; IEEE's contribution the, the communication soceity of presedents. this Key Technology & Recognitions:; Awards2009 - Vincent Poor H.2008 - Benedetto Sergio2007 - C. Beaulieu Norman2006 - J. Greenstein Larry2004 - Mouftah Hussein2003 - Sari Hikmet2002 - B. Pursley Michael2001 - Biglieri Ezio2000 - B. Milstein Laurence1999 - Gross Al1998 - L. Schilling Donald1997 - K. Simon Marvin1996 - Hagenauer Joachim1995 - Lender Adam1994 - Schwartz Mischa1993 - Schumate Paul1992 - Kaneko Hisashi1991 - R. Saltzberg Burton1990 - K. Wolf Jack1989 - E. Green Paul, Jr.1988 - M. Sipress Jack1987 - Baran Paul1986 - Ungerboeck Gottfried1985 - Charles Terreault Robert1984 - O. Evans Bob1982 - Sekimoto Tadahiro1981 - Price Robert1980 - T. Andrews Frederick1979 - A. Collins Arthur1978 - Pinet Andr
Contamination Reduction Pilot
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Application background Paper considers the problem of interference  This in mitigation multi-cell multi-antenna time division duplex channel. wireless   for downlink transmission. An efficient way to  the systems channel obtain at state information base station is  the by reciprocity uplink pilots andThe same time it, has been shown that pilots from different  At high cells contaminate each other resulting in corruption used precoding  of by matrices This base stations and inter-cell interference.  frames paper studies the effects of shifting the location of pilots  usedReduction. interference Key Technology Cellular network designs with multiple antennas  Wireless have been adopted by several modern wireless systems which  wireless aim for high throughput as well as high quality of s to  service inter-cell a large users. of number With constant increase in the number  of in users being served syste
And challenges with very large arrays Opportunitie
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Application background Price for pay is MIMO complexity increased the complexity  the at complexity links and usually consumption ends.For than For the signal exponentially of nt. complexity is at example at at receiver transmitter. since alone detection signal the also grows  concern coding  advanced complexity often systems of a transmit In used optimal transmitter information   be than to greater one the while level must simultaneously  with to concern schemes a complexity  is Key Technology Have also for cases  detection algorithms surveyed where of number users single-antenna the and of  number station base both antennas is about the numbers but e.g. same large the challenging are detection detector. this optimal are uplink becomes the The extremely  We probl
MIMO Fundamentals Opportunities, and Challenges ma
Application background Multiuser MIMO Massive (MISO):M by K by 1 (think 100 or 10 x 500 x 50)Coherent, but simple, processingPotential to dramatically improve rate & reliabilityPotential to drastically scale down TX powerNot only theory, at least one known testbed (64 * - 10) Key Technology MIMO Operation MassiveEnough resources for pilots & CSI; feedback so, operate in TDD. NotOn the uplink,Acquire CSI from uplink pilots and/or blindly from dataDetect symbolsM by K linear processing (MRC, ZF, MMSE) nearly optimalOn the downlink,Use CSI obtained on the uplinkMake necessary adjustments based on reciprocity calibrationApply multiuser MIMO precodingSimple precoders desirable (and very good!): MRT, ZF, MMSE,...MRC/MRT operationIntracell interference will appear as noise1 bps/Hz/terminal K bps/Hz/terminal total;Distributed implementationZF/MMSE operationCan cancel out intra cell interferenceComputationally more demanding
MIMO massive
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Application background Observe large differences over the array We Detailed study if received signals revealed that we had large variations over the array: A- power level received- scale fading distribution Small- power spectra angularImplies that the channel can not be seen as wide sense stationary over the large array which, has implications for This- Modeling- simulation- analysis theoretical The following analysis we use a element 10 window in, which we can assume that a plane wave assumption and WSSUS holds For Key Technology The studied realistic propagation environment we, have characteristics that allow for efficient use of very-large MIMO even, with less-complex Linear Precoding scheme In- the most case "difficult" studied closely, spaced users with LOS the, worst combination of cylindrical array with ZF reaches In 55% ideal performance of- other cases both, linear and cylindric
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Application background This context an, communications may be  allowed; to be commodity by most indispensable data and  mobile video also  well as television services are an essential as becoming introduction of of life. part the everyday the  With operating iPhone and Android system the  the success iPad readers as ebook the such and the  Facebook networking demand  social using the and for traffic data nbsp has grown significantly in recent& mobile mobile In data the on while Thus years. be  transformational wireless the proven communications move to to has demands satisfy  networks profitability. operators traffic struggle their cellular in costs cellular minimum to maintain  at keeping of of use Key Technology A both profound  paradigm of a and no the design during this entire critically stack. thecontext constitutes described  communications and but MIMO In concept capacity technical a business
MIMO about NYU massive
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Application background Peer-to-Peer GHz 38 and 60 in Austin Texas 2011:Cellular (rooftop-to-ground)Cellular GHz 28 in New York City 2012:Cellular and Backhaul GHz 72 in New York City 2013:Capacity Analysis and Channel Models for 5G 2013: Key Technology Made at large range of receiver and transmitter angles Links- scatterers near both RX and TX when placed 1.5m above ManyGround- Beam-steering can help make several NLOS links Antenna- such, as brick Objects, reflect 38 better than GHz 60 due to lower GHzScattering. diffusive
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