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Vs2012 c # client/server-based leave management sy
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Vs2012 C / S based on C # & nbsp; Leave management system to achieve leave, leave, leave information display, database can be placed in the local, can also be placed in the server, staff is divided into section, section chief, office approval, leadership approval Section submitted applications, first section chief approval, and then Office approval, and finally leadership approval to complete leave, leave, section chief submitted applications, office approval, complete leave database There are three tables. loginuser。 The first table of record holiday and holiday records is the login table, which contains the user name and password. Department. Position. The second table is the temporary existence of the submitted leave application, which is approved by the leader and used to cancel the leave. When the leave cancellation is completed, the record will be deleted. The third table is used to save the saved record after the leave cancellation, which is convenient for future query
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