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Image format conversion and background color modif
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Application background 1 select the picture, modify the background color for the specified color2 select the picture, modify the background to be transparent or completely transparent3 increase the number of images, the three channel is converted to PNG format4 : the number of channels of gray scale is 1, and the channel of color map is 3. Basically, describe a pixel point, if it is gray, then only need a value to describe it, is a single channel. If a pixel is, there is a RGB three color to describe it, is the three channel.   2, 4 channels are usually RGBA, in some processing may be used. Two channel image is not common, usually in the handler will be used, such as Fourier transform may use, a channel for real, a channel is imaginary, mainly programming convenient. There is also a situation is the 16 bit image, which is the 3 channel, but in order to reduce the amount of data compression for 16 place, just two channels, a common format has RGB555 or RGB5
World Albert IP camera test code MFC
Application background 1 using the world's network camera capture screen2 simplify the original program, only to retain the login device, connection, and accept the video and other parts must be part of the3 the dialog box or static control as a play interface, more flexible4 world Albert Onvif Forum Interface (Video), the Network (open network video interface Forum)
Vector graph SVG is converted to EMF format
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Application background Svg vector map formatSave the drawing command for the SVG vector formatConvert the SVG vector format to EMF, and use the gdlplus function to displayConvert geometric coordinates to vector graphics and display it in a web browser;Two dimensional drawing program Key Technology 1 SVG format color rendering, gradient fill texture fill pattern, etc.;2 SVG all kinds of line drawing3 SVG curve rendering, path rendering4 SVG text rendering, cropping and occlusion, filtering, etc.;5 in support of the basic common geometry rendering, such as point line, polygon, rectangle, ellipse and so on;6 use gdiplus as the equivalent of the drawing function to deal with SVG data
Opengl rendering the mirror effect
Application background What is the mix? Mix two colors together. Specific point, is to put a pixel position of the original color and the color will be painted, through a certain way mixed together, so as to achieve special effects.Suppose we need to draw such a scene: through the red glass to see the green object, then you can draw the green object, then draw the red glass. In drawing red glass, using the "mix" feature, the red and the original color will be drawn up to mix, and then get a new color, it looks like the glass is translucent.To use the OpenGL hybrid, just call: glEnable (GL_BLEND).To turn off the OpenGL hybrid, just call: glDisable (GL_BLEND).Note: only in the RGBA mode, you can use the hybrid feature, the color index mode is unable to use the hybrid function. Key Technology
C++vs2008 excel format file
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Application background 1 need to parse the excel format of the data file and display data2 need to save data as Excel format3 when the windows, VS development environment, c++ language environment excel format;4 when the user needs to format conversion, the excel file will be carried out in the ranks of the excel, the invalid data or specified data, the ranks of replicationReplacement operation Key Technology 1 using API windows;2 using the MFC framework to deal with the interface, the dialog box, based on the dialog box procedure;3 ole component of office software;4 excel offce of various objects, such as workbook sheet, worksheet, range, etc.5 do not rely on third party libraries, more pure, using VS2008 and the above version, windows can be compiled to run;
Opengl MFC 3D control
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Application background 1 when the rendering effect of the two dimensional custom control can not meet the needs of graphics, the feasibility of three-dimensional control is considered;2 in the three-dimensional control, can draw three-dimensional effect;3 can be in a two-dimensional graphics program, rendering three-dimensional graphics, such as pie chart. Manhattan map, etc.; Key Technology 1 MFC self rendering control technology;2 OpenGL basic rendering graphics3 OpenGL graphics framework, including edit, rotate, view zoom, etc.4 provides a three-dimensional projection, pick up the basis of the code;  5 custom control derived from the static control;COpenglWnd: void: Paint (){InitOpengl ();GlMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);GlLoadIdentity ();//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////GlPushMatrix ();GlTranslated (0,0, -m_OpenglSize.GetEyeDistance ());RenderOpengl ();GlPopMatrix ();M_hgldc HDC =:: GetDC (m_hWnd);: Sw
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