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Application background face recognition by PCA,use langue C++ for android,it recognition very good,you can to try installing in your smart phone,you will feel it very profit and comfortable.it recognition over 100 faces shortly,you will feel this.sasfa fasfa fadfa afsf af af af a fa f afasfasdfadgdafa   afasfafasfaf  afsas afda afa sf rye y edd d s sg z g za ags sg sg sg s g sg  er werwwr wer werwer werwer wer w rqe zsgsdg dfhdf h dfh d fh gh k ghk  asf as  fgb\j f a d a sg s dg sd g  Key Technology  H FG H GH FG HDF H FD HFD  DJ GTS F  AWR WE T  g df gd  dg d fgdf gfddgdfg dfg  df gd fg dfgd g df gdf g df gt yj hk h u yu iy ui yu iy uyu i y ui yi t yi tyi ty i t rf hy q e q eqwrqwrfwet we tw t wetwet w twe t we t we w etwetwe t wet we t r h rf h rft h fdg hjf g jhf hfgjfjf jhf g jfg h s dg s f sdg s dg sd gasgdasdfs s g sd fg  as fga s fa s fasfafasf as f gsd g sd g sdgsdgsd g ss d
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