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DS18B20 digital temperature sensor experiment
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Hardware resources: 1, DS0 (connected to pf9) 2, serial port 1 (baud rate: 115200, PA9 / PA10 connected to ch340) 3, alentek 2.8/3.5/4.3/7-inch TFTLCD module (driven by FSMC, FSMC_ Ne4 connected to LCD chip selection / A6 connected to RS) & nbsp; 4, a DS18B20 sensor (connected to PG9). & nbsp; experimental phenomenon: this experiment first detects whether DS18B20 exists when it is turned on, if not, it will prompt an error. Only after DS18B20 is detected can the temperature be read and displayed on the LCD. If DS18B20 is found, the program will read the data every 100ms and display the temperature on the LCD. We also use DS0 to indicate that the program is running. &Note: 1,4.3-inch and 7-inch screens need large current. USB power supply may be insufficient. Please use an external power adapter (12V 1A power supply is recommended). 2. This routine is on LCD_ Init function (in ili93xx. C), using the printf, if you do not initialize the serial port 1, it will lead to the LCD can not be displayed!! & nbsp; 3, you need to own a DS18B20 digital temperature sensor, and plug in the development board U12 position (according to the silk screen plug, plane inward) & nbsp; & nbsp;
Experiment of STM32 mpu6050 six axis sensor
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Hardware resources: 1, DS0 (connected to pf9), 2, serial port 1 (baud rate: 115200, PA9 / PA10 connected to ch340), 3, alitek 2.8/3.5/4.3/7-inch TFTLCD module (driven by FSMC, FSMC_ Ne4 connected to LCD chip selection / A6 connected to RS) 4, key0 key (connected to PE4) 5, mpu6050 sensor (connected to PB8 (SCL) and PB9 (SDA), Int (PC0) is not used). Experimental phenomenon: after the experiment is started, first initialize mpu6050, then use DMP library to initialize mpu6050 and enable DMP. Finally, in the dead cycle, read the data of temperature sensor, acceleration sensor, gyroscope, Euler angle after DMP attitude calculation, and report it to the upper computer through serial port (temperature is not reported), and use the upper computer software (ano)_ Four axis upper computer_ The mpu6050 sensor status curve and 3D posture can be displayed in real time, and the data upload function can be turned on / off by key0. At the same time, the temperature and Euler angle are displayed on the LCD module. DS0 to indicate that the program is running. In addition, this routine can also call MPU through usmart_ Read_ Byte/MPU_ Write_ Byte function to read and write mpu6050 register (only in upload off state)
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