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JavaWeb online mall project
Current registered account number of online mall project: user name: CZY & nbsp; & nbsp; Password: 1234567, the database type is mysql, the exported data table is stored in the SQL folder, the code runs in the windows 8.1 system and myeclipse2014 environment, the code needs to run in the tomcat8 server environment. System features: 1. The interface is beautiful and practical, using CSS and jQuery technology, realizing many special effects that pure HTML tags can't achieve, such as drop-down classification, picture display Large, style beautification, image rotation, format verification, etc. 2. The security is guaranteed. The session expiration time can be adjusted freely to ensure the user's privacy data. Filter technology always monitors whether the current user has access to sensitive data. Record the user's last login time, so that the user can check whether the account has been logged in by others. 3. Write the shopping cart information and purchase history into the database to ensure data consistency. 4. The system has a certain practicality. The attribute values designed for the goods table in the database refer to the actual situation, including a number of additional information such as freight, manufacturer, inventory and so on.
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