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Java socket network programming code (including server and client)
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This code is the Java & nbsp; socket network programming source code, including the server and the client, the client to send messages, the server to receive and feedback messages. First of all, I need to prepare the Java environment. I use JDK1.8. Socket folder is the original file of eclipse project, which can be directly imported into eclipse to compile and run. If you don't want to see the project file, you can directly view the code: server.java For the server code. client.java Is the client code. Run the server first, and the display "waiting for client." indicates that the startup is successful. Then run the client, and the "server" is displayed reply:I have Accepted. "Indicates that the message is sent and received from the server. At this time, look at the server, and it shows: "recv: Hello, I am Wang." it means that the message sent by the client is received.
C + + socket programming examples (including server and client and log writing)
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This code is an example of C + + socket programming. Contains server and client code, can realize the client send messages, server receive messages and write to the log. server.cpp For the server. client.cpp For the client. First, you need to have the C + + environment ready. Compile and run first server.cpp "Server is start, waiting for client" is displayed to indicate successful start. Recompile run client.cpp Then look at the server, and it will show "Hello, this is client WHG", which means that you have received a message from the client.
Python socket programming examples (including server and client)
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This code is an example of socket network programming implemented by python, including server and client. It realizes the function that client sends message, server receives and feeds back to client. server.py For the server. client.py For the client. First of all, I need to prepare the python environment. I am using Python version 3.6.4. Run first server.py "Waiting for client." is displayed to indicate successful startup. Rerun client.py "Server" is displayed reply:b 'I have accepted.'. When you look at the server, it will show "send: b'hello, I am Wang. '", indicating that you have received a message from the client.
JS floating window
JS floating window: floating window implemented by pure JS, when the mouse is placed on the window, it will pause to float, leave the mouse and float by itself. When it floats to the browser boundary, it will automatically turn. Main content: JS floating window code. HTML. Note: if there is garbled code on the page, you can modify the code format according to the system. The default is:
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