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Single chip microcomputer signal generator
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Based on the electromagnetic field theory, the following vector Helmholtz equations are satisfied for the electric field E and magnetic field H in the passive free space: & nbsp; where β is the wave number along the waveguide axis, E0 (x, y) and H0 (x, y) are the complex amplitudes of the electric field and magnetic field respectively, which are only functions of the coordinates x and y. Taking the electric field as an example, the above formula is substituted into Helmholtz equation and expanded in rectangular coordinates, that is, there are two curl formulas of Maxwell equations, and the relationship between the transverse component and the longitudinal component of the field can be obtained: & nbsp; KC is the wave number of electromagnetic wave in the plane perpendicular to the propagation direction, if the guided wave propagates along the Z direction, Then, K is the wave number of the same frequency electromagnetic wave in free space. According to the existence of two longitudinal field components, EZ and Hz, the electromagnetic waves in the waveguide are classified. The electromagnetic waves in waveguides can be divided into three types: 1. Transverse electromagnetic wave (TEM wave):; 2. Transverse electric wave (TE wave):; 3. Transverse magnetic wave (TM wave):.
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