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Client Server Programming
Compile the server and client programs separately. Before compiling change the IP address in both programs to match that of your machine (NOTE : to get your IP address  run 'ipconfig' from the command prompt in Windows NT/2000 m/c's) When the server program is run, it will indicate at which IP it is running and the port it is listening to. Now run the client program is run , so as to establish a connection with the server. When a connection is established the server will display the IP address and Port from where it has accepted the connection and client will ask for the string which is to be transmitted to the server. The server on reciept of the string will display it, send an acknowledgement which will be recieved by the client. The client can be either run from the same machine as the server or from a different machine. If run from a different machine then a network connection should exist between the machines running the server and client programs
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