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prony analysis in electronic system
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%HILBERT Discrete-time analytic signal via Hilbert transform. % X = HILBERT(Xr) computes the so-called discrete-time analytic signal % X = Xr + i*Xi such that Xi is the Hilbert transform of real vector Xr. % If the input Xr is complex, then only the real part is used: Xr=real(Xr). % If Xr is a matrix, then HILBERT operates along the columns of Xr. % % HILBERT(Xr,N) computes the N-point Hilbert transform. Xr is padded with % zeros if it has less than N points, and truncated if it has more. % % For a discrete-time analytic signal X, the last half of fft(X) is zero, % and the first (DC) and center (Nyquist) elements of fft(X) are purely real. % % Example: % Xr = [1 2 3 4]; % X = hilbert(Xr) % produces X=[1+1i 2-1i 3-1i 4+1i] such that Xi=imag(X)=[1 -1 -1 1] is the % Hilbert transform of Xr, and Xr=real(X)=[1 2 3 4]. Note that the last half % of f
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