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Study of White Gaussian Noise and Computation of i
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In signal processing, white noise produces random signal power spectral density with plane (constant). In other words, it is a signal that contains equal power in any fixed bandwidth. The μ parameter in this formula is the distribution of the average orexpectation (and its number and pattern). The parameter σ is and its standard deviation; and therefore, its variance is σ 2. And Gaussian distribution is said to obey the normal distribution of random variables, known as the normal deviation. Gaussian generation has equal normal distribution, and its probability density function is also called statistical noise of Gaussian distribution. Noise can all have Gaussian characteristic distribution. A special case is Gaussian white noise, at any one time on the replica in the same distribution and statistically independent (and therefore uncorrelated). In applications, Gaussian noise is the most commonly used additive white noise. White Gaussian noise is the most commonly used additive for white noise yield. White Gaussian noise has PDF and flat frequency spectrum. The latter in the series means that there is no correlation between the two points. To put it simply: each point in the WGN series is from a Gaussian PDF without tregard experiment on values of adjacent grid points. For comparison, let's e (n) be drawn randomly from the nth of Gauss's PDF. Thenx (n) = e (n) is wgnbutx (n + 1) = a * x (n) + (1 a) * e (n) is not. Parameters are used to: mean: it is an average or an array, which calculates the mean by dividing a large number of values by the number of values. Syntax: M = mean (a) M = mean (a, dim sum, etc.) standard deviation: standard deviation block to calculate the standard deviation. Input the input of each row column along the specified dimension of the vector, or the entire input. This is a statistic used as a measure of distribution, variation, and is equal to the square root of the deviation from the arithmetic mean of the square of the arithmetic mean. Syntax: S = STD (x) variance: sample variance will be defined as the number of items in the time series in the example: Syntax: mean squared deviation of V = var (x, 1) syntax: CV = xcov (x, x) autocorrelation: correlation coefficient calculation. Histogram: histogram shows the distribution of data values. It enters ten equally spaced containers into the input vector elements and returns the number behind each container as a row vector.
Radiation pattern of dipole antenna,helical antenn
The realization of antenna radiation mode is a basic problem for engineering students as well as for Science graduating students. So here I give a simple matlab program to execute three types of antennas. The source code is simple and easy to understand. The output screenshot also gives students reference materials. The scheme is thoroughly checked and error free. If you have any questions about this plan, please feel free to comment, good or bad. In order to realize the dipole antenna, the radiation mode of spiral antenna based on MATLAB is used. A simple program for programming gives the following process: · & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; the definition of variables in spherical coordinates. ·&The sum of radiation intensity of single axis of antenna is converted to logarithmic scale. ·&By using the appropriate matlab functions, the radiation intensity obtained earlier is converted to a spherical coordinate system. ≪ span style = & quot; font- size:12.0pt;line-height : 150%; font family: & quot; & gt; allantennas three-dimensional radiation model observation.
LSB stegenography with mse and psnr
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Steganography comes from the Greek characters stegan ó s (covering) and graptos (writing). Steganography these days means that information or files have been hidden in digital pictures, video or audio files. If a person or more than one object looks at the hidden information inside, he or she will have any hidden information; I don't know because this person will not try to decrypt the information. This method is very simple. In this method, the least significant bit of some or all internal bytes of the image is replaced with a bit secret message. LSB is the lowest digit in a series of binary files. For example, in binary number: 10110001, the least significant bit is so far right 1. LSB steganography is based on the secret data of the least significant bit of the embedded pixel value, which is one of the steganography methods in the cover image. For example, 240 may hide in the eighth byte of a three pixel 24 bit image. Pixel: (00111 11101001 11001000) (00111 11001000) 11101001 (11001000 00111) 11101001240:011110000 result: (00100110 11101001 11001001) (00100111 11001001) 11101000 (11001000 00110 11101000) here the number 240 is embedded into the eighth byte of the grid and the change is only 6 bits.
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