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Simple 60-GHz MB-OFDM Ultrawideband RoF System Bas
This is a PDF file to understand the reference for studying radio over fiber systems. A simple 60 GHz radio over fiber system using uncorrelated optical heterodyne and envelope combination detection is proposed and proved experimentally. In the central office, the multi band orthogonal frequency division complex ultra wideband (MB-OFDM UWB) signal is used as the optical signal generated by external modulation of dual arm Mach Zehnder modulator, the sideband signal, and then coupled with the unmodulated free running CW laser. Optical heterodyne mixing is used in base station and envelope detection in client. The experimental results show that the generation and detection of millimeter wave signal of the photon can be realized without complicated optical phase locked loop and high frequency microwave source. As a proof of concept, the successful transmission of 3.84 GB / s 16 QAM MB-OFDM UWB signal is more than 48 km standard single-mode optical fiber dispersion compensation and another 4 m wireless channel are experimentally confirmed
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