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VB string mouth programming source code examples-e
VB serial port programming Existing electronic scales Taiwan using serial and computer for communications prepared VB to access serial reached reads electronic scales Shang displayed data the electronic scales for BE01 type instrument output for RS-232C standard interface Porter rate for 300-9600, and occasionally calibration, and 7 a data bit, and 2 a stop bit all are sent 11 bit ASCII yards a starting bit in VB neutralized serial communications needs introduced Control controls MSComm serial communications Control controls (in Microsoft Comm Control 6.0) as follows: Control control referred to as: MSC
VB master analog buttons-containing structures in the background scan code
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I believe we know anything about QQ series games are, anti-plug-in technology is even more amazing! there are driver protection, conventional methods to read and write memory Has no effect, since TX filtered out many conventional API, there were any analytical tools cannot use, for QQ westward game, and CE,ME,RE can not be used, even if you can get the handle to the target process, also regularly testing the game, once the above tool to break up! And QQ hang West implementations also faced a problem, generally press the send window messages blocked, so someone came up with hardware-level simulation Key using WinIo simulations, the default drive was blocked by TX, only write their own, but could not hang in the background, which has little use Finding window handles are generally directly FindWindow, this is not the, QQ do some processing on the westward journey in these functions. Let me give you Universal ways of talking, game can't get to the GetWindowText me
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