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Voice recognition
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Voice recognition is a software progmming written in matlab for the sake of security that on ecan provide to any system  In speech analysis, the voiced-unvoiced decision is usually performed in extracting the information from  the speech signals. In this paper, we performed two methods to separate the voiced- unvoiced parts of  speech from a speech signal. These are zero crossing rate (ZCR) and energy. In here, we evaluated the  results by dividing the speech sample into some segments and used the zero crossing rate and energy  calculations to separate the voiced and unvoiced parts of speech. The results suggest that zero crossing  rates are low for voiced part and high for unvoiced part where as the energy i
Speech recognition using matlab
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  Speech Verification software, or voice biometrics, is technology that relies on that fact that we all have a unique voice that identifies us. Speech verification software is most commonly used in security applications, such as gaining access to restricted areas of a building, or computer files by using your voice. It is also used in call centres where clients say the menu which they wish to select.   In many applications, speech may be the main or only means of transferring information and so would provide a simpler method for authentication. The telephone system provides a fa
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