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C++ completion port
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Application background Complete port steps:Create complete port. Call the CreateIoCompletionPort () function to create a completion portCreate a working thread (number according to the number of processors in the system). These threads are specifically designed to communicate with the client.Access connected Socket connection. There are two ways to achieve:Start a separate thread, specifically for the accept client connection requests;Asynchronous Accept () request.Whenever a client access, call CreateIoComplitionPort () function, the new connected Socket (in front of the device handle), with the completion of the current port bound.After the client is connected, we can submit a network request, such as WSARecv (), to the socket, and then the operating system is able to perform the received data operation.At this point, the working thread need to call GetQueuedCompletionStatus () function in the scan completion port queue, see if there is a network communication in
C++ implementation of 3D model with openGL
Application background Computer graphics is the study of how to convert data into display graphics by computer. It is considering how to use a computer model of an object to synthesize a real or imagined object image.Three dimensional space scene demonstration is through a variety of different combinations of objects and their movement. It can be in the simulation environment, including day, earth, landscape, human and other environment, in the form of dynamic changes in the process of the object and its movement. Three dimensional scene demonstration can achieve more visual effect, therefore, whether in the study or in the work can achieve a multiplier effect. Through the OpenGL control of the language, the audience is intuitive, vivid, vivid image to provide a continuous image, so that the audience can more concise and quick effect of aesthetic imagination.The 3D scene is realized by the combination of 3D object model. The so-called model, is to record all the dat
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